Sunday, March 15, 2015

Insert Opening Index

Assuming that you have inserted a number of games into your document using Insert PGN, you can also have an opening index inserted into your document by clicking on the Insert Opening Index icon:

This will bring up the Opening Index Dialog:

Game Reference

 The options in this section work the same as they do above in the game index.

With the Number Only option selected, the games are referenced only by their game number.

With the Page Number option selected, the games are referenced by their page number. This uses a special page number field for the page number. So even if the page that your game first appeared on when you created the index changes, all you have to do is update the fields and the proper new page number will appear in the index. (You can update all the fields by pressing F9, or press Tools → Update → Fields.)

With the Hyperlink option selected, the games are referenced by a hyperlink in much the same way that a link works on a web page. You can hold down the Ctrl key and click on the hyperlink to go directly to the game. This feature is particularly useful if you plan to export your document to a PDF file. In that case, your readers will be able to click on the hyperlink to go directly to the game inside the PDF file.

Opening Names

These options allow you to determine how much opening name information you wish to include in the opening index. This opening name information is taken from the following file:

The File

In the OoChess folder (C:\Users\Public\OoChess) you'll find a file named, This is a special file that the program uses to match ECO codes with actual opening names. Every time that you insert a PGN game into your document, OoChess uses this file to classify the opening of that game, or games. It inserts a special hidden number into the document to indicate the ECO code, opening name, variation and subvariation name. This information can then be used to insert an Opening Index into the same document.

The option that you choose under Opening Names determine show much of this information that you wish to include in your opening index. You can also choose to Use None.


In a number of opening lines, you'll notice that they sometimes include chess moves. For example:

D14 QGD : Slav : Exchange 6. Bf4 Bf5

If you select Figurines, these chess moves will be converted to figurines in the opening index.

Ignore Game Fragments

This operates in the same way as it does in the game index dialog. All game fragments will be ignored and will not be included in the opening index.

The Opening Index Title

By default, the opening index will be given the title: Opening Index. You can set your own title for the opening index by using the oz configuration file command. As an example, you could add the following line to your OoChess configuration file to change the name of the title:

oz = "*Openings*"

Of course, you can just as easily edit the default Opening Index title once it has been inserted into your document. That is probably the easiest option. You may wish to do this in order to make the opening index title a heading, such a Heading 1, so that it will automatically be included in the TOC.

An example Opening Index

Opening Index

A06: Reti : Nimzovich-Larsen Attack (...Bd7) - 24
A14: English : Neo-Catalan, with b3 - 21
A25: English : Closed System : Modern Line - 23
A26: English : Botvinnik System - 18
A26: English : Closed System : Modern Line - 3, 30
A30: English : Symmetrical : Hedgehog - 12
A36: English : Symmetrical : Botvinnik System Reversed - 4
A87: Dutch : Leningrad : Modern Line - 10
B03: Alekhine's Defense : Exchange Variation - 9
B05: Alekhine's Defense : Modern : Flohr Variation - 34
B12: Caro-Kann : Advance : (Karpov, Seirawan) - 33
B15: Caro-Kann : Gurgenidze : (e5 f4) - 13
B21: Sicilian : Grand Prix Attack - 8
B22: Sicilian-Alekhine-Alapin : (Smith-Morra) - 17
B23: Sicilian : Grand Prix Attack : Schofman Variation - 20
B25: Sicilian : Closed - 31
B25: Sicilian : Closed : Spassky Variation 6.f4 - 14
B38: Sicilian : Accelerated Fianchetto : Maroczy Bind 6.Be3 Nf6 - 15
B40: Sicilian Defense - 5
B40: Sicilian Defense : Honfi Variation (b3) - 32
B44: Sicilian : Szen Variation : Dely-Kasparov Gambit - 26
B80: Sicilian : Scheveningen : Variation (f3) - 22
C01: French : Exchange : 3.Nc3 - 29
C78: Ruy Lopez : Archangel Variation (...Bc5) - 19
D15: QGD : Slav : 4...a6 - 25
D15: QGD : Slav : 5.e3 (Alekhine Variation) - 2
D24: QGA : Bogolyubov Variation - 1
D36: QGD : Exchange : Modern Line - 11
D45: QGD : Semi-Slav : Stoltz Variation - 28
E15: Queen's Indian : Nimzovich Variation : (Exaggerated Fianchetto), Main Line - 6
E32: Nimzo-Indian : Classical Variation - 16
E81: King's Indian : Kramer System Saemisch - 7
E81: King's Indian : Saemisch : Benoni Formation - 27

A Note About the Opening Index

The opening index code uses a 64-bit Zobrist has code to represent each of the 9,000 or more opening positions that are contained within the file. This is not a 100% perfect system, but is robust enough that the chances of a mis-classification are extremely remote, so much so that I wouldn't  expect it to happen at all.

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