As always, we begin by making the shell for our project. Nothing new here that we haven't already done in previous tutorials.
Next, we'll create a special section for the book, Tactical Themes, where we will show a number of the basic tactical themes that the reader should watch for. We'll provide a number of examples of each theme. For these examples we'll use the FENCap configuration output format command to provide the game information below each example. (These examples all use game fragments.)
The next section of the book that we will create is Tactical Exercises. Here we will show the writer how to prepare his game fragments, combinations in most cases, for export to a PGN file. Then we'll show how to modify the OoChess configuration file to get the captions that we want for the exercise diagrams. What we do next is show how to create a new page style specifically for the tactical exercise diagrams and solution.
All we need to do now is insert a page break for our new TacticsPg page style, and then insert the tactical exercises, in our PGN file, as a Quiz. A little touch up, here and there, and we are done.
For our last step, we export our tactics book as a PDF file so that it becomes accessible to everyone.
You can download a PDF copy of this tutorial by itself just to peruse and see if it is of any interest to you:
PDF of the Tutorial:
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If you would like all the material that you need to reconstruct the example Chess Tactics book, then download the ZIP file here:
ZIP of all this Tutorial's Files:
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